JSC Swimming Program
JSC swimming program is initially designed for age group between 10-15 years. Minimum strength required is 20 boys per batch and a maximum number of 40 boys each. Registration is open to all JSC boys on first come, first serve basis Which will be closed once we have reached 40 limits. JSC is offering highly professional trainer with a guard for each batch. Please find below rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all kids !!!. All parents should brief their ward safety regulations and rules. The successful running of the program is through the support of parents at all times.
Things to remember!.
Please ensure boys use the toilet before the lesson starts and if your kids need the toilet during the lesson they must let the officials know.
Please encourage regular and punctual attendance by your child.
No outdoor shoe are permitted around the pool side.
Boys should wear swimming gear, children will not be allowed to swim if specified swimwear is worn.
Please encourage ur ward to follow pool and JSC instructions.
For hygiene reason please ensure that children shower before entering the pool and after the training.
No kids shall not allowed to swim if they have any disease , cold ,and on bandaged conditions.
Full fee payment has to be settled on time.
Pls advice us your children’s state of health and also inform us of any changes in your wards state of health.
Once our swimmers have the basic fundamentals they will progress through the next levels as their skills develop.
Fee structure : please contact JSC officials.
All the boys have to buy personnel swimming gear.
JSC swimming cordinator - Mr Shamshir or contact any JSC officials, they will be happy to assist you with full information.
Please confirm your ward confirmation by JSC mail with full information.
JSC mail : jscjed@gmail.com Or secretary@jscsocceracademy.com
The cooperation of all JSC family members is needed and appreciated by the management to make this program success.
Happy swimming and learn life saving skills !
JSC Management.
JSC Soccer Academy
Jeddah, KSA, Post Box 23453
Jaddah 21425
JSC Rules & Regulation JSC Evaluation Report Tournament Rules & Regulations Tournament Registration – Form JSC selection Process